lunedì 17 gennaio 2011

Kanaha 17 Jan 2k11 - SUP

Hi there,
another day in paradise and another day on the water, no wind but waves, so I woke up at 7am, just a time to wash my face and drove straight to Kanaha Beach Park.
I mounted immediately the GoPro HD on my board, without even looking at the wave conditions and immediately got in the line up .. I received the best welcome as we can see in the picture below
I spent something like 4 hours in the water.. a lot of fun and a lot of friends.. that's why I love this place.

Now it's time to take a rest... ready for tomorrow.

Much aloha

1 commento:

enricowave ha detto...

...che invidia Ciccioooooo!
Qua domani nevicherà, e sabato onde bianche!
Vieni a trovarmi su
anche da me foto e video, ma un pò più fredde delle tue!!