giovedì 29 dicembre 2011

Maui or Gran Canaria?

Dear all,
this year we cannot say that the wind is missing, even today infact a strong north-east wind has blown all day, and - as reported by the iWindsurf graph below - sometimes it seemed to be in Gran Canaria instead of Maui.

I was using the 4.5 Smack 2012 and I must say that it has an incredible range of use (thanks Jeff and HotSailsMaui); even under the most severe and violent gusts this sail is stable, neutral and easy to manoeuvre.

Here are some GoPro shots of today

Tomorrow, perhaps, the conditions should change and we hope for less wind and more waves.

See you soon.

lunedì 26 dicembre 2011

The Day After Xmas...

Hi there,
I hope you spent a Happy Christmas.
Personally, I did not go windsurfing yesterday but I went with some friends to South Maui for a long stand up paddle cruising for about 4 hrs. A really nice and relaxed day, we also saw a lot of turtles swimming just beside us... Amanzing...

Today I went back in the water with a new camera mount (Santa gave me for Xmas), and I took some testing-photos; I definitely need to fix it better, but this is it!

Hope you like it and again Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.

sabato 17 dicembre 2011

HotSails Maui / Kanaha Kai Xmas Dinner

Hi there,
when you go to somebody for a dinner usually goes with something or a gift or food, now, imagine 30 people and all 30 with a different dish .. it is a buffet incredbile.

In addition, each person had to bring a gift (anonymous and impersonal) for the exchange of Christmas gifts.
All this has happened to the Christmas dinner of Hotsails Kanaha Kai Maui and the store here in Maui.
Really thank for a beautiful night with a Dargmar and Bart, and Kyla and Jeff for the hospitality ... and also for gifts.

the complete gallery here

Merry Christmas to all.

venerdì 9 dicembre 2011

Maui and friends..

Hi there,
I'm back in Maui after a long work season and finally I met friends with whom I spend most of the time, in and out of the water.
The last 10 days were pretty windy and with a couple of North West/West wave-swells that make this island: magic!
A few days ago, Petra, John and Chico, prepared a delicious dinner for the occasion called Euro dinner, since most of the participants is not living in Maui.
Below some photos

I'm playing a lot with one App called Dermandar for iPhone below Kanaha Beach Park.

Talk to you soon,