giovedì 29 marzo 2012

Saturday 31 March 2012 - OPEN

Hello everyone,
finally, with a little delay, the SEATEXBOARDS reopens Saturday for the 2012 season.
Below you can see the old entry:

and here the NEW entrance (click and move the mouse)

The opening hours are Monday to Sunday 9am-12am and 4pm-7pm.
For more information write to: or visit


sabato 10 marzo 2012

New Website ONLINE!

Dear all,

finally after almost one year the new website is Online!!

Please check it out!


giovedì 8 marzo 2012

March 10, 2012

Hi everybody
this little post just to remind you that on March 10, the new SEATEXBOARDS website will be online.

In the new site will find many news and new Social Network, but you'll discover a couple of days.

Keep in touch.

sabato 3 marzo 2012

Last week in Maui!

Hi everyone
I'm still on Maui but it's almost time to go back home and open The Shop for a new season.
In the last days the waves disappeared, and the only place with some swell was Hookipa.
Some pics of that session:

Same photo different angle and camera Thanks Jimmie Hepp

by the way My Seatexboards Facebook Group will be closed soon, therefore please go and "LIKE" the new page of my shop.

Talk to you soon

mercoledì 22 febbraio 2012

New Website coming soon...

Hello everybody,
in the next few days a brand new SEATEXBOARDS website will be online.

This version allows anyone can register using the same username-password of Facebook joining the SEATEXBOARDS Social Network where you can share photos and videos.

The shop will be open again for the new season starting on March 23, 2012, with a new look.

Stay tuned!

sabato 18 febbraio 2012

Back in Maui and videos

Hi everybody,
returned to Maui, the wind continues to blow like never before, it is winter, but feels like summer with crazy strong winds- not the usual for winter, which is normally light winds and big waves.
Honestly I do not like sailing with 4.2, so the last days I worked a little with Micah Buzianis, a video project which will be released in early March.
below you can see a short trailer:

keep in touch,

I want to thank all, more than 2000 people, have watched the video posted last week .. THANKS

lunedì 13 febbraio 2012

Barbados What else!

Hi everyone
after having spent a night in NYC, (really cold), I'm flying back to Maui and this AA flight has wifi onboard!

Barbados was nice and really warm, still with a lot of "irie spirit".
So much fun "supping" and surfing in the turquoise warm water together with a lot of friends...

The attached pics might go online randomly and not match with the text, sorry about that... I'm writing this post from my iPhone.

See ya Barbados, Maui here we come

ps.below me and Tara long time ago, she's grown a lot!!

domenica 5 febbraio 2012

You Guys Wanna Fly?

Hi everybody,
I'm Barbados right now, I moved to the Caribbean Sea for few days.

Before taking a coffee in this incredible island, I'd like to share this video recordered couple days ago, in Maui.the video...

A REAL SPECIAL THANK GOES TO DON - DONNA - WINDWARD AVIATION Inc. that gave me the opportunity to have such an amazing experience.

Once in a lifetime :D

Ya Man!

Ps. lost luggage?

giovedì 2 febbraio 2012

New Sail, Whales, Hotsails Group and boom...

Hello everyone,
Today I had the opportunity to try for a couple of hours the new
HotSails Freestyle Pro 5.2 (434mast 168 boom- i think!! )
The sail is very light and absolutely freestyle, powerful, and with an incredible acceleration.
Personally I've found it with a good speed and very neutral during in the moves!

Maybe I will swicth my 5.3 Firelight for this 5.2 Freestyle Pro.
During the day the wind died more than one time, and some "friends" showed up just outside the reef. About 5 or 6 whales were playing...

By the way, today Kanaha was really full of Hotsails Maui Sails, I took some pictures.
Talking about BOOM... mmmm BOOM is the noise I heard when my boom decided to leave me outside the reef, infact I swam all the way back to the beach, (thanks to the lifeguards).

REALLY SPECIAL THANKS goes to BART of KanahaKai that he borrow me a new part of the boom.


martedì 31 gennaio 2012

Jaws 31-Jan-2k12

Hello everybody,
the weather forecast is always pretty right here in Maui and today (like yesterday) Jaws was working!
I went to see it around noon, there were only 2 people in the water, a windsurfer and kiteboarder, below some photos:

Next days looks good for surfing and windsurfing, then some days no wind, (Sunday 5 feb Superbowl), and Kona wind for the beginning of next week.


domenica 29 gennaio 2012

Maybe the Best day...

Hello everyone,
Finally the wind is back, and for me, yesterday was the best day since I arrived in Maui, below some photo:

Over the next few days should still be quite strong wind and waves .. and maybe Tuesday morning, I think, could break jaws ... we see!
