Hi there,
now I believe that the trade wind for this year will not blow anymore, so I decided to devote myself to paddle board. The problem now is to find a board.
In the last days I have tried plenty and the one I like the most is the Naish 9'6".
I was hoping to find a used one on Craig's List or in the stores here on the island, but nobody has a paddle to sell, they prefer to rent it rather than to sell it. If you read this post and you have a paddle board on sale please contact me here
Thanks and Happy New Year !!!
giovedì 31 dicembre 2009
domenica 27 dicembre 2009
Day 22 - Kanaha SUP (stand up paddle) and never say Goodbye!!
Hi there,
Lately the wind has disappeared here in Maui, but at least the waves continue to work so... there is no better way to go in the water with the paddle board and some friends.

Thanks to Marco "Was Yesterday" Margotti, who borrowed me a nice 10.5 feet Starboard. Very easy and manoeuvrable board.. but just a little heavy.
Also really thanks to Matteo Casadio that managed to make two water-photos, even if the conditions were not easy... will try again tomorrow...

"IN THE END" i'd like to say really CIAO to our best friend Yvonne, that left last night.
We'll miss you so much and we hope to see you soon!

Lately the wind has disappeared here in Maui, but at least the waves continue to work so... there is no better way to go in the water with the paddle board and some friends.

Also really thanks to Matteo Casadio that managed to make two water-photos, even if the conditions were not easy... will try again tomorrow...

We'll miss you so much and we hope to see you soon!
sabato 26 dicembre 2009
Day 21 - New shootings of Jaws
venerdì 25 dicembre 2009
Xmas Day! where is the Present???
Hi there,
Since I woke up this morning, Christmas Day, I realized that the waves were big because I could hear the noise when they broke... furthermore today the wind forecasts for today are wrong the, while the conditions of the waves have fulfilled the expectations, mast high in Kanaha Beach and closed beach in Hookipa.
At Jaws beautiful waves closing a bit here a bit there, forcing the boats to move constantly
Since I woke up this morning, Christmas Day, I realized that the waves were big because I could hear the noise when they broke... furthermore today the wind forecasts for today are wrong the, while the conditions of the waves have fulfilled the expectations, mast high in Kanaha Beach and closed beach in Hookipa.
At Jaws beautiful waves closing a bit here a bit there, forcing the boats to move constantly

Personally I was not in Jaws but I went to Kahana to see if there was a chance to go out but the wind was really too light.
If I look at the forecast for tomorrow, it still seems good for the wind (boh!!!), and also for the waves, so at this point... I hope that Santa is late and will arrive tomorrow for us!
Good Xmas Dinner to All
Special Thanks to Matteo Casadio for the pics
UPDATE: in the afternoon some guys went in the water also with windsurfing gear check the gallery below. (thanks to mauiwatershoot)
giovedì 24 dicembre 2009
martedì 22 dicembre 2009
Hi there,
I have received from Mattia Pedrani, the link of its first Rap album !
It's in FREE DOWNLOAD, and some tracks are in italian but, mostly are in English...
This is the cover:
Really good work "big" Brother!!
Please visit:
I have received from Mattia Pedrani, the link of its first Rap album !
It's in FREE DOWNLOAD, and some tracks are in italian but, mostly are in English...
This is the cover:

Really good work "big" Brother!!
Please visit:
lunedì 21 dicembre 2009
Day 18 - Light Wind and Garage Set Up!
Hi there,
in the last 2 days we had light wind from N-NE and nice waves.
For sunday the forecasts gave light wind, therefore we arrived at the beach after 2pm, and I have been able to windsurf for 2 hours… with some beautiful waves mostly logo high.
Today same story but less wind and bigger waves (logo - Mast hight)
I was also testing a Hotsails mast, perfect conditions to compare different gear.
At the same time in these two days I was occupied in Micah's garage set up, infact right now he has got so much staff around that he cannot find anything. There is a huge quantitative of materials, boards, booms, sails, extention and much more... all around the floor (see pics below)
in the last 2 days we had light wind from N-NE and nice waves.
For sunday the forecasts gave light wind, therefore we arrived at the beach after 2pm, and I have been able to windsurf for 2 hours… with some beautiful waves mostly logo high.
Today same story but less wind and bigger waves (logo - Mast hight)
I was also testing a Hotsails mast, perfect conditions to compare different gear.
At the same time in these two days I was occupied in Micah's garage set up, infact right now he has got so much staff around that he cannot find anything. There is a huge quantitative of materials, boards, booms, sails, extention and much more... all around the floor (see pics below)
when we'll be finished you will see the final lookout!
sabato 19 dicembre 2009
The Kanaha Boys Show
Hi there,
We are still training the coreography, but at least we doing a good job.
We will tell you EXACLTY the date, and the place of our premiere.
Full video here!
Special Thanks to Jean alias Rambo!
We are still training the coreography, but at least we doing a good job.
We will tell you EXACLTY the date, and the place of our premiere.
Full video here!
Special Thanks to Jean alias Rambo!
Day 16 - On Shore wind...
Hi there,
yesterday I was so happy because the forecasts gave some wind from north (on shore) so I would have finally gone windsurfing but at 11 a.m. when I arrived at the beach the wind was very light. Anyway I decided to go in the water.
After 40minutes I was alredy back at the beach, rinsed the gear and I went to the mechanic for some Oil refill and fluids inspection. With only 38$ they changed all: Motor oil, Powersteering Fluid, Break Fluid, Trasmission Fluid... and much more!!! thanks to Gary for the Tip!
In the evening we went to Cafe' Mambo for Dinner.. below a small video of Marco Margotti arrived yesterday ...
yesterday I was so happy because the forecasts gave some wind from north (on shore) so I would have finally gone windsurfing but at 11 a.m. when I arrived at the beach the wind was very light. Anyway I decided to go in the water.
After 40minutes I was alredy back at the beach, rinsed the gear and I went to the mechanic for some Oil refill and fluids inspection. With only 38$ they changed all: Motor oil, Powersteering Fluid, Break Fluid, Trasmission Fluid... and much more!!! thanks to Gary for the Tip!
In the evening we went to Cafe' Mambo for Dinner.. below a small video of Marco Margotti arrived yesterday ...
mercoledì 16 dicembre 2009
Day 15 - Another Paddle day!
Yes it is!!!
Last night before going to bed, Micah (Buzianis ndr) told me: "tomorrow morning at 6.30 we go paddling"... I mean... 6.30 AM!!!!!!! So I woke up at 6.20 and he was already knocking on my door... "Come on, we go".
I took my wetsuite and we walked for 2 minutes to Sugar Cow... it was completely dark, deep night, not even the sunrise!
When we arrived, the size of the waves was okay but too messy... so we paddled out all the way to Baby Beach, but still too hard for both of us to see the breaking point.
After 20 minutes we moved back to Sugar Cove and there we finally catched some waves, really powerful and clean.
At 7.50am we were already at home washing the gear.
Small breakfast (italian coffee), and straight to Kahana Beach Park...
Last night before going to bed, Micah (Buzianis ndr) told me: "tomorrow morning at 6.30 we go paddling"... I mean... 6.30 AM!!!!!!! So I woke up at 6.20 and he was already knocking on my door... "Come on, we go".
I took my wetsuite and we walked for 2 minutes to Sugar Cow... it was completely dark, deep night, not even the sunrise!
When we arrived, the size of the waves was okay but too messy... so we paddled out all the way to Baby Beach, but still too hard for both of us to see the breaking point.
After 20 minutes we moved back to Sugar Cove and there we finally catched some waves, really powerful and clean.
At 7.50am we were already at home washing the gear.
Small breakfast (italian coffee), and straight to Kahana Beach Park...

Here there were about 30 or 40 Paddle out in the water (look the pics), so I stayed few minutes at the beach only to take some pictures.

Tomorrow the forecast gives less waves, and maybe starting from friday the wind comes back.
Stay Tuned!
Ps. click the pic below

Fly or Die...
Hi there,
this post is dedicated to one of my best friend.
I can't even tell the name, (for privacy) but he will know...
It's a short movie with all the Take Off and Landing from Italy to Here (maui).
My dear N.S. alias I. you are really a GOLD - ONE!!!
this post is dedicated to one of my best friend.
I can't even tell the name, (for privacy) but he will know...
It's a short movie with all the Take Off and Landing from Italy to Here (maui).
My dear N.S. alias I. you are really a GOLD - ONE!!!
martedì 15 dicembre 2009
Day 14 - Another Paddle Day... and Paddle to peahi
Hi there,
still no wind here in Maui so keep training with a Paddle board.
This morning at Kahana Beach Park we got nice and clean waves, with completely no wind.
Below some pics
Thanks to Kanaha Kai Shop
still no wind here in Maui so keep training with a Paddle board.
This morning at Kahana Beach Park we got nice and clean waves, with completely no wind.
Below some pics
and please check this video with Paddle to Peahi Jaws.
Thanks to Kanaha Kai Shop
domenica 13 dicembre 2009
Day 13 - No wind... then Surfing and Paddle Surf
Hi there,
Still no wind here in Maui, so another good way to be in the water is Surfing or using the SUP board (Stand Up Paddle).
We went to Sugar Cove Beach, very close from the place where we stay. Nice and smooth waves - still too small for surfing - good for SUP... so I asked Micah to borrow me his board (Jp Paddle Board!!).
In this pic Micah Buzianis and I waiting for... something
Here below a pics sequence of my FIRST SUP wave, the style is really "Beginner" and you can also see that I don't know where i have to hold the paddle, but I had lot of FUN!
On the following waves I felt myself more and more condifent with all the gear.
Special thanks to Micah for the board, to Alberto "Aloha Beach Club" Belloni and the unlucky Matteo "Ten Stitches" Casadio
Tomorrow again... and we will see...
Life is BEAUTY-FULL...
Still no wind here in Maui, so another good way to be in the water is Surfing or using the SUP board (Stand Up Paddle).
We went to Sugar Cove Beach, very close from the place where we stay. Nice and smooth waves - still too small for surfing - good for SUP... so I asked Micah to borrow me his board (Jp Paddle Board!!).
In this pic Micah Buzianis and I waiting for... something
Here below a pics sequence of my FIRST SUP wave, the style is really "Beginner" and you can also see that I don't know where i have to hold the paddle, but I had lot of FUN!
On the following waves I felt myself more and more condifent with all the gear.
Special thanks to Micah for the board, to Alberto "Aloha Beach Club" Belloni and the unlucky Matteo "Ten Stitches" Casadio
Tomorrow again... and we will see...
Life is BEAUTY-FULL...
Back to 1988
Hi There,
this pics were taken back in 1988...
Special Thanks to Michele Gaggio, from Venice - Italy.
this pics were taken back in 1988...
Special Thanks to Michele Gaggio, from Venice - Italy.
giovedì 10 dicembre 2009
Day 12 - Lahaina and Kanaha Beach Park..
Hi There,
this morning we decided to go to Lahaina for a surf session, so unloaded the windsurfing stuff and loaded the surfboards.
At 9am we were on the spot, but no waves... so we drove to Lahaina downtown for some compulsive shopping, $$$$$$$$
Around noon we came back to Launipoko Beach Park and we got a couple of waves, really small but still fun (very low tide).
Then back to Kahului and around 3am, as some wind was blowing in the town, I ran back home and took the windsurf gear.
At Kanaha Beach Park the wind was really light but with 5.0 and 80 litres I finally catched some waves, really slogging... but again enough fun.
So this is my day.
Tomorrow we expect more wind and a little less waves
mercoledì 9 dicembre 2009
MFC Low Profile Waist Harness
Hi there,
this morning while visiting MFC Company of Pio Marasco, I had the possibility to try the new model of Waist Harness (okay it's not really a new model but for me... it's new), with a lower profile and much lighter without sacrificing performance and comfort.
I immediately appreciated the softness and comfort of this harness, that allows you to choose either to have a sliding or a blocked hook. Two colours available black or red.
I can't wait to try it in the water in the next days.
Special thanks to MFC Company
Much Aloha,
this morning while visiting MFC Company of Pio Marasco, I had the possibility to try the new model of Waist Harness (okay it's not really a new model but for me... it's new), with a lower profile and much lighter without sacrificing performance and comfort.
I immediately appreciated the softness and comfort of this harness, that allows you to choose either to have a sliding or a blocked hook. Two colours available black or red.
I can't wait to try it in the water in the next days.
Special thanks to MFC Company
Much Aloha,
martedì 8 dicembre 2009
Day 11 - Epic Jaws...
Hi there,
the forecast gave exacly the size and time of the swell pick here in Maui.
So, early this morning, I went again in Peahi (Jaws) to see what the nature can do...
Here some of the 500 pics I did this morning (full gallery here), and a short video recorded directly from the hill, sorry low quality, but try to compare the helicopter with the Wave!!

the forecast gave exacly the size and time of the swell pick here in Maui.
So, early this morning, I went again in Peahi (Jaws) to see what the nature can do...
Here some of the 500 pics I did this morning (full gallery here), and a short video recorded directly from the hill, sorry low quality, but try to compare the helicopter with the Wave!!

lunedì 7 dicembre 2009
Day 10 - Incredible Jaws - Part. 1
Hi there,
only one word about today at Jaws: AMAZING
Big Waves, a lot of people on the hill, no wind, some Jet Ski destroyed on the rocks... really something incredible.
Here some pics (the complete gallery visible on SEATEXBOARDS.COM)

(thanks to RayMasters for one Pic!)
ps. Tomorrow Bigger than today...
only one word about today at Jaws: AMAZING
Big Waves, a lot of people on the hill, no wind, some Jet Ski destroyed on the rocks... really something incredible.
Here some pics (the complete gallery visible on SEATEXBOARDS.COM)

(thanks to RayMasters for one Pic!)
ps. Tomorrow Bigger than today...
domenica 6 dicembre 2009
Tomorrow Huge Waves in Jaws
Hello everybody
By now all the Island is under stress, seems that - after decades - a “perfect storm” is coming, infact some perturbations currents are moving enormous water masses towards the Hawaiian Islands.
Everyone is on alert, in Oahu Island the forecast says 50 feet high surf (Hawaiian measure) while for the Island of Maui they expect around 40 feet, approximately 12-15 meters. (Let's image a 5 floor building...)
Many inhabitants living directly on the beach are preparring themself to eventually evacuate the area. The alert starts from tomorrow Monday Dec. 7 until Tuesday, where the maximum peak is awaited for Monday evening.
Tomorrow morning at 5am I'll go with some friends to check and see the monsters coming closer and I'll take the camera with me.
-2 Days to the Epic Day
Hi there,
less than two days and finally I can see the monsters in Jaws, the forecast map (below) confirm for monday the epic day..
Stay tuned!
less than two days and finally I can see the monsters in Jaws, the forecast map (below) confirm for monday the epic day..
Stay tuned!
venerdì 4 dicembre 2009
Day 8 - Visiting the Maui Memorial Medical Center
Hi there,
This morning I decided to go in the Hospital - Maui Memorial Medical Center (MMMC) because my left knee was still turning me crazy.
8.45 am - we arrived at the Emergency Entrance and after a very fast check-in we have been waiting in the lobby to be called from the ER (Emergency Room)
Inside the waiting room was like being in a Cooler, sooo cold 18degress Celsius. Immediatly I saw something funny: the double seat... I believe it is for pregnant girls and not for BIG People that can't stay in one normal seat (look the photos below)
This morning I decided to go in the Hospital - Maui Memorial Medical Center (MMMC) because my left knee was still turning me crazy.
8.45 am - we arrived at the Emergency Entrance and after a very fast check-in we have been waiting in the lobby to be called from the ER (Emergency Room)
Inside the waiting room was like being in a Cooler, sooo cold 18degress Celsius. Immediatly I saw something funny: the double seat... I believe it is for pregnant girls and not for BIG People that can't stay in one normal seat (look the photos below)
11.00 am - Finally I've been called and just after 20 minutes I'm lying in the room, came... Mr.Dr. House
had visited me and sayd immediately something regarding cartilages, meniscus or legaments... therefore I asked for a MRI just to be sure.
had visited me and sayd immediately something regarding cartilages, meniscus or legaments... therefore I asked for a MRI just to be sure.
1 pm - I was finally lying inside the MRI machine. 30 minutes to tell me that they don't see anything broken or damaged. . .
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